An article written by Dr. Mohammad Abbass, consultant Pediatrician
Indeed, we need to differentiate between Allergy and Atopy : In both forms, there is a genetic predisposition and we may encounter different types of allergies or atopies within the same family.
Allergy is an abnormal immune reaction or response to a substance or substances from outside the body called allergens . This reaction may be mild, in the form of simple itching, or it may be severe and life-threatening.
We can divide allergens into three groups
The first are allergens that are transmitted through the air which can includes dust , mold, pollen, domestic animal dander , the remains of some insects such as cockroaches, and other materials.
The second group of allergens comes through ingestion such as some foods, like cow’s milk (or cow’s milk protein) , eggs, shellfish , soybean , Wheat , sesame , Peanuts and some tree nuts, and some Medications, such as some types of antibiotics.
The third group is through skin contact and the examples include allergy to insect bites and contact with some chemicals as lotions Cosmetics, soaps , other household cleaners, and pesticides.
Atopy , which by definition is an immune disorder in some people that leads to an increase in a type of Antibodies that activate the body’s immune reaction to substances that may be from outside the body or from the body itself. The diseases in this form are allergic rhinitis atopic dermatitis (eczema), and asthma.