Dr. Zafer Esmandar Center Becomes Wise Medical Center

now Wise Medical Center, previously Dr. Zafer Esmandar Center, Qatar | Wise Medical Center in Qatar

Dr. Zafer Esmandar Center announced the change of its name to become Wise Medical Center, after expanding its activities and departments to include an advanced dermatology and laser clinic under the supervision of Dr. Dima Nicolas Nehmeh. The dermatology and laser clinic at Wise Medical Center provides all consultations, diagnostic, and treatment services to maintain the health and beauty of the skin, hair, and nails and protect them from diseases, in addition to the most important laser and cosmetic services, with the latest devices and technologies, including the best hair removal device in Qatar.

It is noteworthy that Wise Medical Center includes an obstetrics and gynecology clinic equipped with the latest diagnostic devices in Qatar, under the supervision of Dr. Zafer Aziz Esmandar.

now Wise Medical Center, previously Dr. Zafer Esmandar Center, Qatar | Wise Medical Center in Qatar