- A cervical stitch may help to keep your cervix closed and may reduce the risk of you giving birth early.
- You may be offered a cervical stitch if you are at risk of giving birth early.
- A cervical stitch is usually put in between 12 and 24 weeks of pregnancy and then removed at 36–37 weeks unless you go into labour before this.
There are many possible causes for giving birth early. One possible cause is because your cervix shortens and opens too soon. A cervical stitch may help to prevent this. You should be referred to a specialist early in your pregnancy if:
- you have had a miscarriage after 16 weeks of pregnancy
- you have had a previous birth before 34 weeks of pregnancy
- your waters broke before 37 weeks in a previous pregnancy
- you have had certain types of treatment to your cervix (for example, cone biopsy for treatment of an abnormal smear) Your healthcare team may arrange for you to have transvaginal ultrasound scans to measure your cervix. If it is found to be short (less than 25mm long).

Are there situations when a cervical stitch would not be advised?
Your healthcare professional should discuss the benefits and risks in your individual situation. Sometimes a cervical stitch is not advised because it may carry risks to you and it would not improve the outcome for your baby. This may be if:
- you have any signs of infection
- you are having vaginal bleeding
- you are having contractions
- your waters have already broken. If you are pregnant with more than one baby.
Are there any risks from having a cervical stitch?
The risks of surgery include:
- bleeding
- infection
- injury to the bladder
- injury to the cervix
- your waters breaking early
- sometimes it is not being possible to put the stitch in, for example if your cervix is already too short or too far open. The stitch may not always work and you might still experience a late miscarriage or preterm birth. A cervical stitch does not increase your chances of needing induction of labour or a caesarean sectionno definite evidence to show that a cervical stitch will prevent you going into labour early.